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Monday, January 11, 2010

Don Phipps

I am a jazz advocate and lover but still feel, after decades of listening to the music, there is so much more to uncover and explore. I've been convering jazz since 1978 when I was the Arts Editor for the Boston University Daily Free Press. I was first exposed to jazz in high school where I studied clarinet and saxophone. My love of music grew into dabbling with the piano and guitar as well. My listening strategy is to spin new music often, explore areas of the back catalog as time permits, respect and learn about past masters to inform my appreciation of new and current masters, and keep an open mind. Jazz is very much a "flow" music- -cerebral, emotional—but clearly a music of the moment. And the best jazz is in the moments where creative, improvisation, innovative and classical influences all come together to produce art at the highest level.

Those wishing to reach me can do so at jazzmanneobop [at] yahoo [dot] com.


Adrianbaumeister33 said...

Really Like your Blogs. Keep Up the great work