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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Dear readers,

I've been listening to thousands of CDs over the past four years, starting during the christmas holidays in 2007, and reviewing more than one thousand albums since then, almost on a daily basis, and enjoying every minute of it.

As of January 2011, I will start with another project, totally outside of music, on which I will spend my late evening time (the hours between 10pm and 1am). This means that daily reviews will no longer be possible.

In order to ensure continuity, I am looking for partners :
- contributors/reviewers who can add material on a regular basis and take over some of the writing from me
- partners who are interested to participate in the initiative or to take over the initiative lock, stock and barrel
- or combinations of those ...

Participation can be : making it more professional, with broader scope : interviews, video material, audio archives, ...

I will still be part of that project, as editor, contributor, coordinator, or in any other role. My main concern is that this blog, started full of passion and enthusiasm, expands and that we do more to promote good music. 

Ideas and proposals are welcome. Send me an e-mail to



© stef


Anonymous said...

Sad to read this new Stef.
Thank you for all your work.

Anonymous said...

Too bad for the movement. Sorry you have to retire

Anonymous said...

Well that sucks. But it is what it is. I really hope the blog survives..

felipão said...

Best blog ever. Thank you for been our tour guide.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for an awesome blog. I hope you can find the partners you need.

allan said...

I am really sorry to hear this disappointing news -- you will be a very hard act to follow, Stef.
Thanks for making me aware of so much wonderful music over these last 4 years and Best Wishes for all your future endeavours.

Richard said...

Good luck with your new project, Stef.

You are responsible for introducing me to some of my favorite CDs, so I hope the site continues in some form.

But in any case, many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, sad news.

If only I had either the time or money to consume so many albums, I would have loved to help out...

Thank you so much for all you've done so far.

I am keeping my fingers cross for Free Jazz!