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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Angelika Niescier - Sunday Interview

Photo by Cristina Marx/Photomusix

  1. What is your greatest joy in improvised music?

    Diving into the unknown, pushing the music to the limits.

  2. What quality do you most admire in the musicians you perform with?

    To bear every kind of intensity with me, to lean beyond the boundaries, to be absolutely present in the moment and to play for our lives.

  3. Which historical musician/composer do you admire the most?

    ooof, there are so! many!
    Ligeti, Shorter, Stravinsky...

  4. If you could resurrect a musician to perform with, who would it be?

    Again: so!many! but I´ll go with the obvious choices: John Coltrane, Elvin Jones

  5. What would you still like to achieve musically in your life?

    That's hard to put into words. On a grand level I hope to keep searching and evolving...

  6. Are you interested in popular music and - if yes - what music/artist do you particularly like?

    E.g.: Beyoncé, Freddie Mercury, Stevie Wonder, Missy Eliott, Michael Jackson

  7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


  8. Which of your albums are you most proud of?

    Each time the latest album I release.

  9. Once an album of yours is released, do you still listen to it? And how often?

    No, not really. By the time the album is released, I´ve listened to this particular music so many time- so I feel like moving on...

  10. Which album (from any musician) have you listened to the most in your life?

    I very much think it´s John Coltrane´s Africa Brass and A Love Supreme, right up there with Wayne Shorter´s Juju.

  11. What are you listening to at the moment?

    Marta Sanchèz Trio: Perpetual Void w/ Chris Tordini (bass) and Savannah Harris (dr)

  12. What artist outside music inspires you?

    The choreographer and dancer Pina Bausch.
    The painter and sculptor Barnett Newman.


Angelika Niescier on the Free Jazz Blog: