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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Darius Jones - Sunday Interview

Photo by Niclas Weber

  1. What is your greatest joy in improvised music?

    The unknown

  2. What quality do you most admire in the musicians you perform with?

    The ability to listen deeply and be fearlessly themselves.

  3. Which historical musician/composer do you admire the most?

    Sun Ra

  4. If you could resurrect a musician to perform with, who would it be?

    Ed Blackwell

  5. What would you still like to achieve musically in your life?

    I have so much to still achieve but I would love to have a band with a consistent group of musicians I could develop with and write music for until I’m an old man. Something feels so romantic about this to me.

  6. Are you interested in popular music and - if yes - what music/artist do you particularly like?

    Yes, Kendrick Lamar

  7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    My mental health

  8. Which of your albums are you most proud of?

    I think the latest one, Legend of e’Boi (The Hypervigilant Eye), because it’s me at my bravest self on record to date.

  9. Once an album of yours is released, do you still listen to it? And how often?

    Yes but not very often at all.

  10. Which album (from any musician) have you listened to the most in your life?

    Madvillain - Madvillainy

  11. What are you listening to at the moment?

    Pierre Henry’s composition Variations pour une porte et un soupir

  12. What artist outside music inspires you?

    Toni Morrison 

Darius Jones on the Free Jazz Blog: